Adopting A Child

Child are blessing of couples from God. They are the one that makes a family complete. They are the source of every parent’s joy. Can you imagine a couple without a child of their own? Maybe it is hard for them because of the feeling of incomplete. Today there are parents who opted their child to be adopted by those couple who are willing to have child of their own maybe because parents cannot give all the needs of the child that is why they let other couple to adopt their own child. Or there are institutions that administer the adoption process of a child. Adoption is a long process it usually takes one year to finish the whole process. In adopting the institution see to it that the adopting parents are ready to take care of the child. Couples usually undergo series of interviews and seminars because adopting a child would mean a big responsibility for them. And as the custody of the child is given to them, they will be monitored by the social welfare personnel. This is because they want to be sure that the child is being provided with the care and love that the child need.